The 30-Day Check-in: Haleigh Dalmass

Hear from a sales account executive about her first 30 days at Treasury Prime
July 21, 2022
"The Check-In" written on a yellow rectangle

Haleigh Dalmass’ very first day at Treasury Prime was a company-wide offsite in San Francisco, CA. For three days, Haleigh got to meet the entire team — a special way to start for a fully distributed and remote company. Now about a month into her position as an account executive on our sales team, we caught up with Haleigh, who’s based in New Jersey, to see how everything’s been going.

First, can you tell us a bit about how you heard about Treasury Prime?

I heard about Treasury Prime from a friend and former coworker that works at Treasury Prime and she told me she was really enjoying it, so I decided to apply for the sales account executive role!

What was the interview process like for you?

The interview process was four rounds total and it allowed me to meet my hiring manager as well as a lot of other leads in other verticals in the company. My final interview was a presentation open to the entire company as well as a meeting with Chris Dean, Treasury Prime’s CEO and cofounder. Fun fact, Chris Dean had a life goal of interviewing his first 100 employees, and it’s exciting to be among them!

What drew you to the team and made you want to join Treasury Prime?

It was the people that drew me in. Everyone I interviewed with spoke so highly about the team culture, which was important to me.

And coming from a large software company, I really wanted to join a smaller team where I would have the opportunity to collaborate and help shape some of the sales processes. I think being part of a startup allows for more teamwork and creativity, which is what I was looking for, and having a team comprised of great people just made it the best match. 

Can you please tell me more about your role and what your responsibilities are at Treasury Prime?

I am an account executive on the sales team, focusing on embedded finance partnerships. Our team primarily works with companies that have businesses outside of financial services that want to embed banking features into their product to improve their service and product offering and their overall customer experience. 

As an account executive, my responsibility is to meet with potential customers to see if there is an opportunity for us to embed financial services in their product and guide them through the sales cycle. We work very closely with the sales development team to craft sales strategies and campaigns for potential clients. 

What was onboarding like for you?

The onboarding process was very thorough. The sales team has a sales-specific training in addition to Treasury Prime’s company training, called Treasury Prime University, a series of webinars hosted by veterans on the team.

The entire team is very cognizant of new employees and encourages a lot of questions even amongst seasoned sales reps, which makes the learning process very open. I never felt rushed and was able to take my time to absorb everything around me.

I was also lucky enough to onboard with other new members of my team, which made the experience more fun to have teammates learning alongside me.

How have the first 30 days been for you? Any highlights that you can share?

My first 30 days have been a lot of learning, a lot of new faces, and overall a great experience!

The people I interact with on a daily basis are my biggest highlight, everyone is so nice and willing to help.

Are there any big milestones, or anything you're especially proud of that you accomplished in your first 30 days?

I come from a background outside of banking and finance, so I am just really proud of how much I’ve learned about Treasury Prime, banking as a service, embedded finance, and the value we provide for so many companies.

What are your next 30 days looking like at Treasury Prime?

Continuing to pound the pavement, and meeting with potential new clients!

What’s a day-in-the-life for Haleigh?

I typically start my day with coffee and then check my computer to see what my schedule looks like. Most days I will try to workout in the morning and go for a run.

And once the workday kicks off, I’m usually in meetings with clients, taking team calls, and sending emails. If I have an extended call break, I’ll go for a walk, put a load of laundry in, or work on my porch to get outside for a bit.

I wrap up my day normally around 6pm and then make dinner with my boyfriend or hang out with friends/family. 

For anyone looking to join Treasury Prime, what’s one thing you’d want them to know?

The people are wonderful, what we do is important, and you’ll learn so much!

Treasury Prime is building a modern financial network for the future. If you're passionate about growing with a company that values its people, join us.

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