Footprint is an onboarding company, providing customizable components for companies to dynamically write and act on rules across KYC, KYB + Fraud during account creation and auth.





Automate Onboarding

UX components to match your design which can dynamically step-up to leading document collection.

No-Code Rules + Backtesting

Footprint has a unified rules engine across KYC + Fraud. Backtest any changes in minutes.

Onboarding UX
Fraud Detection
Secure Vaulting
Passkey Auth
PEP/OFAC/AML/Adverse Media
Compliance Automation
Catch Fraud Backend Tools Can’t

Leverage behavioral analytics tools to see if actors signing up are acting human in addition to having proper PII.

Prevent Breaches + ATOs

Leverage Passkeys bound to PII at creation to prevent ATOs, and Nitro Enclaves to automatically vault data.